Blog Archives
Model CBAs and Community Benefits Ordinances as Tools for Negotiating Equitable Development: Three Critical Cases
The University, Neighborhood Revitalization, and Civic Engagement: Toward Civic Engagement
This essay analyzes and syntheses key theories and concepts on neighborhood change from the literature on anchor institutions, university engagement, gentrification, neighborhood effects, Cold War, Black liberation studies, urban political economy, and city building. To deepen understanding of the Columbia University experience, we complemented the literature analysis with an examination of the New York Times and Amsterdam newspapers from 1950 to 1970. The study argues that higher education’s approach to neighborhood revitalization during the urban renewal age, as well as in the post-1990 period, produced undesirable results and failed to spawn either social transformation or build the neighborly community espoused by Lee Benson and Ira Harkavy. The essay explains the reasons why and concludes with a section on a more robust strategy higher education can pursue in the quest to bring about desirable change in the university neighborhood.
Are We Still Going Through the Empty Ritual of Participation? Inner-City Residents’ and Other Grassroots Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Public Input and Neighborhood Revitalization
This article revisits Arnstein’s “ladder of citizen participation” focusing on inner-city residents’ perceptions of public input in neighborhood revitalization projects. It draws from data collected in Buffalo, New York for a larger project that aimed to address negative externalities caused
by neighborhood change. Data were collected using focus groups in neighborhoods in the early stages of revitalization. Nine focus groups took place across three neighborhoods experiencing encroachment from hospitals and universities. Data analysis was guided by standpoint theory, which
focuses on amplifying the voices of groups traditionally disenfranchised from planning processes. The findings suggest that the shortcomings of public input identified by Arnstein a half century ago remain problematic. Residents continue to perceive limited access to urban planning processes
and believe outcomes do not prioritize their interests. This is particularly problematic in minority, working-class neighborhoods when institutionally driven development occurs. Recommendations emphasize enhancing planners’ fidelity to strategies that expand citizen control.
Progressive Reform, Gender and Institutional Structure: A Critical Analysis of Citizen Participation in Detroit’s Community Development Corporations (CDCs)
This article examines the institutional context in which community-based organisations are embedded.
Citizens’ District Councils in Detroit: The Promise and Limits of Using Planning Advisory Boards to Promote Citizen Participation
This article examines the promise and limits of using planning advisory board to augment citizen participation.
The role of citizen participation and action research principles in Main Street revitalization
This article examines the use of citizen participation techniques during the planning process for neighborhood revitalization in the Village of Depew which is an industrial suburb of Buffalo, New York. The article focuses on how research principles can inform and enhance traditional approaches to citizen participation.
A Social Resettlement Plan for the McCarley Gardens
This report is a proposal to the St.John Fruit Belt Development Corporation for the completion of a comprehensive study for a resettlement plan for residents of McCarley Gardens in Buffalo.
Report on Community Meetings for Residents of McCarley Gardens
This report is on the first of three meetings with residents of Buffalo’s Fruit Belt Neighborhood, which will be held regarding the construction of 49 new town houses that St. John Fruit Belt Community Development Corporation will be building in the neighborhood.
Understanding Residents Concerns Over The St. John Town House Initiative
This report presents finding from four focus group meetings on resident’s concerns about the St. John Church Town House Initiative.