This proposal seeks to establish a TIF (Tax Increment Finance) district for this the Fruit Belt and the adjacent Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.
Blog Archives
The Historical Overview of Blacks in the Fruit Belt: The Continuing Struggle to Build a Vibrant Community
This report provides and overview of the history of blacks in Buffalo’s Fruit Belt and the classic tale of how urban policies have destabilized the African American community and robbed low to moderate‐income blacks of the wealth producing power of home-ownership.
The Futures Academy Community Garden Project
This report proposes the creation of the Futures Academy Community Garden in a series of vacant, city-owned parcels across from Buffalo Public School 37.
A Social Resettlement Plan for the McCarley Gardens
This report is a proposal to the St.John Fruit Belt Development Corporation for the completion of a comprehensive study for a resettlement plan for residents of McCarley Gardens in Buffalo.
Futures Academy: The Case for Maintaining its Magnet/Residence School Status
The report makes the case for maintaining Buffalo Public School 37, Futures Academy, as a Magnet/Residence School. The retention of the school’s current status is one of the keys to successfully rebuilding the Fruit Belt/Medical Campus neighborhood. A strong pre-K through Eighth Grade elementary magnet/residential school is central to attracting new residents to the community.
Understanding Residents Concerns Over The St. John Town House Initiative
This report presents finding from four focus group meetings on resident’s concerns about the St. John Church Town House Initiative.
Community Outreach for the Development of a Community Vision to Inform a Community Benefit Agreement Between the University at Buffalo and the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus
This plan details the results of a community outreach strategy to inform the creation of a community benefits agreement among UB, he BNMC and the Fruitbelt Neighborhood.
The Turning Point: A Strategic Plan and Action Agenda for the Fruit Belt/Medical Corridor
This report is a strategic plan and action agenda that guides the restoration of Buffalo’s Fruitbelt Neighborhood and the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (BNMC). The plan and agenda constructs a framework to guide restoration, identifies potential sources of revenue and formulates an implementation strategy.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood Service Delivery Analysis Report
This report examines the spatial distribution of supportive services and institutions within the framework of the Perry Choice Neighborhood and Commodore Perry Development and examines the perspectives of both the residents and the service providers with regards to the current service delivery framework.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood Supportive Service System Threshold Plan
This report outlines a threshold plan for improving the supportive service infrastructure in the Perry Choice Neighborhood (PCN). This threshold plan provides a set of baseline ideas about the enhancement of supportive services in the PCN.