Blog Archives
Model CBAs and Community Benefits Ordinances as Tools for Negotiating Equitable Development: Three Critical Cases
Understanding Residents Concerns Over the St. John Town House Initiative
This report presents finding from four focus group meetings on resident’s concerns about the St. John Church Town House Initiative in Buffalo, NY.
Central city socio-economic characteristics and public participation strategies
This article aims to examine the mechanisms used by municipalities to stimulate public participation and, in part, to argue that contrasts between the socio-economic make-up of central cities in the USA and Canada explain these divergent techniques.
Public Participation and Community Outreach for the Highland Avenue ‐ Step 2 BOA Nomination Study
This report sets clear public participation and community outreach strategies for the Highland Avenue ‐ Step 2 BOA Nomination Study.
Report on the Brownfield Opportunity Area Mini‐ Course
This publication reports on the completion of a Brownfield Mini-Course that was to created to solidify a common knowledge base and language on brownfield development between neighborhood residents and stakeholders and City Officials and the project consultant team and to provide residents with deeper insight into brownfield development so that might participate at a higher level in community visioning and planning sessions.
Highland Avenue Public Participation Plan
This is a proposal to the City of Niagara Falls to develop and implement a public participation plan for the Highland Avenue Brownfield Opportunity Area Step 2 Nomination Study.