This plan details the results of a community outreach strategy to inform the creation of a community benefits agreement among UB, he BNMC and the Fruitbelt Neighborhood.
Blog Archives
The Turning Point: A Strategic Plan and Action Agenda for the Fruit Belt/Medical Corridor
This report is a strategic plan and action agenda that guides the restoration of Buffalo’s Fruitbelt Neighborhood and the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus (BNMC). The plan and agenda constructs a framework to guide restoration, identifies potential sources of revenue and formulates an implementation strategy.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood Service Delivery Analysis Report
This report examines the spatial distribution of supportive services and institutions within the framework of the Perry Choice Neighborhood and Commodore Perry Development and examines the perspectives of both the residents and the service providers with regards to the current service delivery framework.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood Supportive Service System Threshold Plan
This report outlines a threshold plan for improving the supportive service infrastructure in the Perry Choice Neighborhood (PCN). This threshold plan provides a set of baseline ideas about the enhancement of supportive services in the PCN.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood Supportive Service Partner Report
This report provides an overview of each of the partners in the Perry Choice Neighborhood Supportive Service Network.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood Life Chances Center Overview Report
This report provides an overview of the BMHA-PCN Life Chances Center (LCC). The LCC is a proposed neighborhood-based multi-service community center which seeks to create a neighborhood anchor and centralized hub of activity in the Perry Choice Neighborhood.
Perry Choice Neighborhood Life Chances Center Potential Income and Expense Report
The purpose of this report is to determine the the estimated expenses and income for the BMHA-PCN proposed Life Chances Center (LCC).
The Perry Choice Neighborhood – The Neighborhood-Based Supportive Service Network Funding Strategy
This preliminary assessment analyzes potential funding sources for the PCN Supportive Service Network.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood – Neighborhood-Based Supportive Service Collaborative
The Supportive Service Collaborative is a component of the PCN Supportive Services System. This report details the need for, the organization of, the mission and organization and management structures of the Collaborative.
The Perry Choice Neighborhood Supportive Service Network Management Structure
This report outlines the management structure for the Perry Choice Neighborhood – Neighborhood-Based Supportive Service System.