This article examines public administrators’ perceptions on the effects of non-profit networks on local affordable housing activities of community-based organizations (CBSs).
Blog Archives
Vying for the Urban Poor: Charitable Organizations, Faith-Based Social Capital, and Racial Reconciliation in a Deep South City
In this article the mobilization of social capital is examined as it relates to the formation of collaborative partnerships among charitable organizations
Middleman Minorities and Sojourning in Black America: The Case of Korean Entrepreneurs on the South Side of Chicago
This article argues that Korean entrepreneurs on the South Side of Chicago have a sojourning orientation similar to the type described by middleman minority theory.
Community socioeconomic status and disparities in mortgage lending: An analysis of Metropolitan Detroit
This note examines the effects of community socioeconomic status on mortgage lending patterns in Metropolitan Detroit.
Black Real Estate Professionals’ Perceptions of Career Opportunities: The Economic Detour Redux
This article focuses on black professionals’ perceptions of career opportunities in the real estate industry and discrimination in housing markets. The analysis is based on a national survey of black real estate professionals administered between July and December of 2009.
Race, Consumer Characteristics, and Hiring Preferences: The South Side of Chicago
This paper is based on a series of interviews with Korean owners of beauty supply stores on the South Side of Chicago which were conducted from January 1996 to August 1996.
Perceptions of Nonprofit Funding Decisions: A Survey of Local Public Administrators and Executive Directors of Community-Based Housing Organizations
This article compares how local public administrators and executive directors of community-based housing organizations (CBHO) perceive nonprofit funding decisions.
The Nonprofitization of Public Education: Implications of Requiring Charter Schools to be Nonprofits in New York
This article examines charter schools applying a nonprofit conceptual frame of reference.
CBOs and Affordable Housing
Since the late 1960s, community based organizations (CBSs) have become increasingly responsible for implementing affordable housing policy. Scholars have referred to this process ass the non-profitization and devolution.
Citizens’ District Councils in Detroit: The Promise and Limits of Using Planning Advisory Boards to Promote Citizen Participation
This article examines the promise and limits of using planning advisory board to augment citizen participation.