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Perry Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan

The Perry Choice Neighborhood Planning grant (PCN) produced a plan that transforms the BMHAPCN into a viable and sustainable mixed-income neighborhood that functions as a platform which enables residents to become economically secure and self-sufficient, to realize their full potential and to develop the critical consciousness and capacity that empowers them to guide the development of the community over time. To realize this outcome in practice, the Perry Choice Neighborhood planning initiative is informed by three core goals, which are viewed through the lens of neighborhood, housing, and people that inform all aspects of the planning process.

Striving for a Healthier Buffalo: A Community Health Needs Assessment for the Greater Buffalo United Ministries

The purpose of the Community Health Needs Assessment is to identify the unmet health challenges of the Greater Buffalo United Ministries (GRUM) communities in Erie and Niagara Counties. It will outline a strategy for addressing those needs, and to develop a set of performance indicators and metrics to monitor progress in meeting those needs. This assessment will provide GRUM and the Greater Buffalo United Affordable Healthcare Network (GBUAHN) with the framework needed to forge an implementation strategy to address the unmet health needs of the GRUM community.

Report on the Brownfield Opportunity Area Mini‐ Course

This publication reports on the completion of a Brownfield Mini-Course that was to created to solidify a common knowledge base and language on brownfield development between neighborhood residents and stakeholders and City Officials and the project consultant team and to provide residents with deeper insight into brownfield development so that might participate at a higher level in community visioning and planning sessions.

The Highland Avenue Brownfield Opportunity Area Nomination Document

This Nomination Document is the product of the Step 2 Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) Program for the Highland Community Area in Niagara Falls, NY. The City of Niagara Falls, through their involvement in the BOA Program and the development of this document, has embarked on a journey to transform approximately 560 acres – of which more than 275 is brownfield land – into a more prosperous, economically diverse, socially strong, high quality, safe destination for new employment, residential and community uses.