This proposal seeks to establish a TIF (Tax Increment Finance) district for this the Fruit Belt and the adjacent Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.
Blog Archives
The Fillmore Avenue Commercial Redevelopment Plan
The Fillmore Avenue Commercial Redevelopment Plan provides a vision for the Fillmore Avenue commercial corridor that is one of a vibrant, thriving passageway that serves as the cultural commons for the Martin Luther King, Jr. neighborhood and a Gateway to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. The Fillmore commercial corridor will be a symbol of the vibrancy of King’s Dream and a place that brings people together from across the race and class divide to shop, play, and interact.
The Masten District Plan
The Masten District Plan is a strategy for redeveloping Buffalo’s Masten district and transforming it into a great place to live, work, play and raise a family.
The Masten District Neighborhood Plan
A Strategy for Redeveloping the Masten District and Transforming it into a great place to live, work, play and raise a family.