This article examines the experiences and attitudes of contemporary Black manufacturers in the ethnic beauty aids industry.
Blog Archives
Middleman minorities and sojourning in black America: The case of Korean entrepreneurs on the South Side of Chicago, Sociological Imagination
Middleman Minorities and Sojourning in Black America: The Case of Korean Entrepreneurs on the South Side of Chicago
This article argues that Korean entrepreneurs on the South Side of Chicago have a sojourning orientation similar to the type described by middleman minority theory.
Race, Consumer Characteristics, and Hiring Preferences: The South Side of Chicago
This paper is based on a series of interviews with Korean owners of beauty supply stores on the South Side of Chicago which were conducted from January 1996 to August 1996.
The Effects of Racism and Racial Discrimination on Minority Business Development: The Case of Black Manufactures in Chicago’s Ethnic Beauty Aids Industry
In this paper, the historical development of Chicago’s ethnic beauty aids industry is examined from the perspective of black manufactures. The central argument of this paper is that the business strategies of black manufactures in Chicago’s ethnic beauty aids industry have been shaped by racism and racial discrimination in mainstream society from the industry’s inception to the contemporary period.